Friday, May 31, 2019
The Renaissance (1400-1520 Ad) :: essays research papers
The Renaissance was A revival or rebirth of cultural awareness and learning that took place during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, particularly in Italy, check to Art In Focus. It followed the Middle Ages, and was basically a time of the revival of learning after the Middle Ages, or Dark Ages, a time with critical increase of ideas, inventions or developments. During the Renaissance, art was a branch of knowledge. It was a way to show God and his creations, as well as a science, of anatomy and perspective. also during the Renaissance there were many people who use art as a way to record discoveries and inspired people to take pleasure in the world around them.In 1452 AD, a genius named Leonardo da Vinci was born in a small town called Vinci. He was the illegitimate news of a local lawyer. When he was small he loved to draw pictures of plants, insects, flowers, animals, and birds. When Leonardo was in his teens his father took him to Florence, Italy, to study at the works hop of Andrea del Verrocchio. When Leonardo was twenty, he was so good at painting that he helped his art teacher finish his painting. Not only was Leonardo an artist, but he was also an architect, musician, sculptor, scientist, inventor, and mathematician. He kept detailed records of all of his inventions in his notebooks, which he wrote backwards so nobody could steal his ideas. One of his sketches in his notebook was of a skull. He used lines possibly to measure the length and the width of the human head. He might have done this to be able to paint the human head in proper proportion, and more life like. Leonardo painted very realistically, as you can see in the painting Ginevra deBenci, which is of a young lady. Another cash advance of Leonardos was to make his backgrounds very detailed and in proper aerial perspective. The techniques he might have used in his paintings are as follows He would first cover a wood panel with gesso then, rough in the figures on the panels. The maj or forms were then modeled in a brown tone. He would also use his fingers as well as his palms for the under molding. He would then use a fine minever brush for details. Leonardo was a genius in his approach to art and many other areas of study.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers
Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne uses Nature to symbolize both the negative and positive shell traits which set the mood of the novel. By doing this, Hawthorne steps out of the traditional wild-eyed ideals, putting The Scarlet Letter into anher genre. I depart call it post- Romanticism. Traditional Romantic writings only portray the positive side of human nature. They show the positive effects of individualism, the soul and freedom as only being positive. By comparing the imagery of nate in relationship to the characters, we see the positive and negative, which is not a traditional Romantic theme. Hawthorne uses many different negative variations of implant imagery to illustrate his ideas. First of all, living plant life, portraying the torturing of Dimmesdale by Chillingworth, remains evident throughout the novel. For example, when Chillingwoh went to the forest to gather herbs he dug up roots and plucked off twigs from the forest trees(1511) which symbolizes how Chilli ngworth was plucking the life out of Dimmesdale limb by limb. Also, Hawthorne describes grass as pure and without weedso kill the grass however, when poor Mr. Dimmesdale was thinking of his grave, he questioned with himself whether the grass would ever grow on it, because an accursed thing must there be hide(1495). Dimmesdale feels himself dammed. It can not be aued that Chillingworth is doing anything positive. From the beginning, when he first sees Hester, he had only selfish and hedonistic reasons for helping Dimmesdale. It Irks me, nevertheless, that the partner of her iniquity should not, at least, snd on the scaffold by her side, But he will be known - he will be known - he will be known(1455). When Dimmesdale dies Chillingworth has no one to torment with his evil schemes. All his strength and energy- all his vital and intellectual force- emed at once to desert him insomuch that he positively withered up, shriveled away, and almost vanished from mortal sight, like a uprooted weed that lies wilting in the sun(1552). During Chillingworth and Dimmesdales covert intervention about the powers of nature calling so earnestly for the confession of sin,and discussing that these black weeds have sprung up out of a buried heart, to make manifest an voiceless crime(19) illustrates the idea of weeds filling the heart with sin and guilt. Moreover, the black flower of civilized society(1448) refers to the Puritans harsh attitude towards sinners as they view Hesters punishment.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley Essay -- Inspector Calls Priestle
An Inspector Calls by J.B. PriestleyAn Inspector Calls, by J.B. Priestly, is the story of the escort by anInspector to an apparently normal family, the birlings. They arecelebrating Sheila Birlings engagement to Gerald Croft, who is excessivelypresent, when the Inspector arrives telling them of the suicide of ayoung girl called Eva Smith. At basic they deny any knowledge of thegirl, but as the play goes on the Inspector manages to show that theyall helped kill her. Mr Birling had her dismissed from his factory fordemanding a small increase in wages Sheila ordered her to bedismissed from her job in a shop simply because of her pride GeraldCroft kept her as his mistress before leaving her suddenly EricBirling (Mr & Mrs Birlings son) also had an affair with the girl andstole money to keep her living and Mrs Birling used her find out todeny help to Eva Smith when she needed it most, driving her tosuicide.After the Inspectors visit we can see which of the characters havelearned their lesson from what the Inspector has said and which are securely clinging to their old beliefs. The differing attitudesbetween the older and younger characters are shown by theirconversations following the Inspectors departure.It is Birlings speech in Act 1 that sets the scene for the action inthe play. Birling is confidently talking to Eric and Gerald about whathe thinks about the future. He thinks of everything in business terms(for example, he says to Gerald that he hopes that his firm andGeralds fathers will become partners) and also is a man who thinksthat a man should make his own way in life and does non believe inliving in a community. He disregards the people who preach thisphilos... ...ia and the Germans invaded Belgium, sending Britain and Franceinto battle. The result was a hellish war in which millions died. Hadthe countries been able to live together then there would not havebeen a war. The fact that the play was written in the midst of theSecond ball War suggests t hat Priestly was saying that the lessons ofwhat happened in the First World War had not been learned.In summary, An Inspector Calls details the differing attitudes of theBirling family to the events leading to Eva Smiths death and how theyaccept the responsibility for their actions. The older characters aretoo rigid to assortment but the younger ones are able to see their faultsand accept what they have done is wrong. The play also reflectsvarious cultural, social and historical, which reflect on the epochboth in which the play is set in and when it was written.
Race Conflict and Issues: Whites and Non-Whites Post- Revolution Essay
European settlers have a long history of mistreating congenital Americans. The most famous example is the Trail of Tears in which President Van Buren and the federal government forcibly and violently removed Cherokee Indians in 1838 from their native inflict. Over 18 thousand Cherokee women, men and children were forced to travel 1,000 miles from Georgia to Oklahoma. Of these people, 4,000 died from harsh weather, starvation and exposure to illnesses. European settlers during this time viewed Native Americans as uncivilized savage and used this perception to justify violently removing the Native Americans from their land. Native Americans initially accepted the European settlements but pleaded against being removed. The status of African-Americans in this time has generated debate among historians but there is enough evidence to argue they were perceived similar to Native Americans as not equal to European settlers. European settlers justified this by denying their natural right s. African-Americans, however, were seen as useful resources and they remained on their land and were used as slaves. In return African-Americans responded by attempting to escape to their freedom. Native Americans were viewed poorly in the eyes of European settlers. Europeans early perceptions of Indians were an important factor in how explorers and early colonist dealt with Native American people and in the end subdued them. They were sometimes considered barbarians because of their different lifestyle. European settled discussed in primary sources how their rituals and traditions were slimy and abominable, and deserving punishment. For example, Native Americans sacrifice souls to their idols as a ritual. Europeans did not think this was good behavi... ...wn ever received a like sentence. The court made these rulings scarce because of the color of their skins, which to them reduced African-Americans to a status lower than any white person. It is evident that the Native A mericans were unfairly removed from their homeland because the Europeans settlers saw them as savages not worthy to live among them. The Native Americans responded to their cruelty with pleads of desperation. These pleads of desperation were annoyed and instead excuses of doing whats best for them both proceeded. Works CitedBreen, T. H., and Stephen Innes. Myne owne ground race and freedom on Virginias Eastern Shore, 1640-1676. 25th anniversary Ed. New York Oxford University Press, 2004.Wheeler, William Bruce, and Susan D. Becker. Discovering the American past a look at the evidence. 6th ed. Boston Houghton Mifflin Co., 2007.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Major Market Structures Essays -- Economics
During the initial phase of starting up a business, at that place are many another(prenominal) factors to weigh in. If you desire a particular kind of lifestyle, then one of the major factors to consider is what kind of market you would like to be in. There are four major market structures, perfect controversy, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. All of these markets have positive and negative attributes, including but not limited to, barriers to entry, how many sellers are in a particular market, and the stress of running a business while keeping a keen eye on harvest-tide pricing. Many entrepreneurs may not want to agonize over anything at all, and participate in a perfect competition market where they know but what the prices are and what they expect to make at all times. Then there are some investors that enjoy the competition and would rather be in a monopolistic competition market. However, its no secret that the majority of the public, if given the ab solute choice, would choose to be in a monopoly. This kind of market of course, is real hard to acquire, so a very fine choice would be an oligopoly. Both a monopoly and an oligopoly are at the top of the list as cold as profit is concerned. No matter which market one chooses to participate in, they all have similar goals, and that is to minimize costs and maximize profits.In a monopoly, there is only vendor with a product or service, meaning there are no close substitutes, so there is no competition to be concerned about and the barrier for others to enter is virtually inaccessible. One may have an exceptionally large control on the market, and can in addition dictate it as much as they would like, other than being limited by market demand, depending on the elasticity of ones product... ...& 211. Mason, OH. CENGAGE Learning.Bade, Robin Michael Parkin (2001). Foundations of Microeconomics. Boston, Massachusetts. Addison-Wesley.Colander, David (2008). Microeconomics, seven th Edition. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Paperback.Eaton, B. Curtis Eaton, Diane F. and Douglas W. Allen (2002). Microeconomics, 5th Edition. point River, NJ. Prentice Hall.Frank, Robert A. (2006). Microeconomics and Behavior, 6th Edition. New York, NY McGraw-Hill/Irwin.Mankiw, N. Gregory. (2000). Principles of Microeconomics, 2nd Edition. Oklahoma City, OK. South-Western Pub.Pindyck, Robert S. and Daniel L. Rubinfeld. (2008). Microeconomics, 7th Edition. Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall.Ruffin, Roy J. and Paul R. Gregory. (2000). Principles of Microeconomics, 7th Edition. Boston, Massachusetts. Addison-Wesley.
Major Market Structures Essays -- Economics
During the initial phase of starting up a business, there are many factors to weigh in. If you desire a fussy kind of lifestyle, then unity of the major factors to consider is what kind of market you would like to be in. There are four major market structures, amend competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. All of these markets have positive and negative attributes, including but not limited to, barriers to entry, how many sellers are in a particular market, and the stress of running play a business while keeping a keen eye on product pricing. Many entrepreneurs may not want to agonize all over anything at all, and participate in a perfect competition market where they know exactly what the prices are and what they expect to make at all times. then there are some investors that enjoy the competition and would rather be in a monopolistic competition market. However, its no secret that the bulk of the public, if given the absolute excerption, would ch oose to be in a monopoly. This kind of market of course, is very hard to acquire, so a very fine choice would be an oligopoly. Both a monopoly and an oligopoly are at the top of the list as far as profit is concerned. No matter which market one chooses to participate in, they all have similar goals, and that is to minimize costs and maximize profits.In a monopoly, there is only vendor with a product or service, meaning there are no close substitutes, so there is no competition to be concerned about and the barrier for others to enter is around inaccessible. One may have an exceptionally large control on the market, and can also dictate it as much as they would like, other than universe limited by market demand, depending on the elasticity of ones product... ...& 211. Mason, OH. CENGAGE Learning.Bade, Robin Michael Parkin (2001). Foundations of Microeconomics. Boston, Massachusetts. Addison-Wesley.Colander, David (2008). Microeconomics, 7th Edition. New York, NY. McGraw-Hi ll Paperback.Eaton, B. Curtis Eaton, Diane F. and Douglas W. Allen (2002). Microeconomics, 5th Edition. Saddle River, NJ. prentice Hall.Frank, Robert A. (2006). Microeconomics and Behavior, 6th Edition. New York, NY McGraw-Hill/Irwin.Mankiw, N. Gregory. (2000). Principles of Microeconomics, 2nd Edition. Oklahoma City, OK. South-Western Pub.Pindyck, Robert S. and Daniel L. Rubinfeld. (2008). Microeconomics, 7th Edition. Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall.Ruffin, Roy J. and Paul R. Gregory. (2000). Principles of Microeconomics, 7th Edition. Boston, Massachusetts. Addison-Wesley.
Monday, May 27, 2019
A Dream of a Social Entrepreneur
I fill a dream that in the near future, Ecolife cafe will become the bridge of knowledge for people in Phu great and promote fellowship Ecotourism for the Protection of Mangrove so that tourists and foreigners will know and love the community initiatives to protect the commons environment here, and then have a chance to experience life with local people in our island. Lying on the coastal island of Cat Hai, Hai Phong City, Phu gigantic communes population is consisted of 70% people earning their lives by small-scale aquaculture and rudimentary fishing their lives depend much on the nature and they often suffer from crop failure during the flooding season. Phu Long does not have conditions for produce growth, thus the locals life totally depends on supply of produce from the outside. Phu Long is connected with Hai Phong City via Dinh Vu ferry.It takes up to 3-4 hours to transport passengers and goods all over that less-than-30km distance. The difficulties in transportation make the living cost in Phu Long high. In the tough economic cartridge clip, with unstable prices of seafood like the recent years, the lives of people have become tougher and riskier. Getting over the obstacles, the people here are seeking for the new livelihoods, specifically with the Community Ecotourism having flourished.People doing this work just have the unanalyzable wish of making more income for the family, feeding and educating their children, and at the same time caring and preserving the nature. This drive out be done by tours experiencing and plating mangroves to better shoot the biodiversity. Mangroves account for one-third of the Phu Long area. They are not only the green walls protecting peoples life and property from natural disasters, but the green lung providing fresh air for the city.Contributing to the effort of protecting humane values and the environment, Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development (MCD) in coordination with Vietnet Informatio n Technology and communicating center (Vietnet) and the communitys representatives led by a kind entrepreneur in Phu Long mobilize investment from personal capital and social capital to establish and open the Tourist Information Center and Environment Education Ecolife Cafe in Phu Long, Cat Ba in the summer 2012.Ecolife Cafe Phu Long is primitive, simple, environment-friendly and close to the people in the commune, which is located on the area of more than 200m2 on the familys ground of the social entrepreneur Vu Hong Hung. He is the degree of the Cooperation and Operation Board of Phu Longs Community Ecotourism. Initially, Ecolife Cafe has had a bookcase for community with more than 50 books on culture, environment, law, engineering, which partly met the reading demand of the people.Hung has as well as finished installing a wireless Internet connection here. Hung ploughshares that his wish now is to facilitate Phu Long Ecolife Cafe a number of used computers which can connect to the Network that he has set up. Every day, people in the commune can drop by and connect to the internet to read the give-and-take and search information about the new farming techniques which are economically efficient and environment-friendly to preserve the green space here.In addition, households participating in his Community Ecotourism Board will have internet access to introduce the land to the domestic and foreign tourists. Talking about the cost, Hung expressed his willingness to pay for utilities and take time to ask for experts coming to the commune to teach IT for local people, especially the young. Since then, Phu Long can reach millions of people loving the sea, people in the coastal areas and the mangrove and they will come to this land.Summer 2013 is coming, this story intends to reach people loving sea nature and understand the difficulties of local people, with the hope to seek for the accompany with mixer Entrepreneur Vu Hong Hung to realize the dream of Educ ation Center, Phu Long Ecolife Cafe. Let wish that there will be more and more Ecolife Cafe like this presenting in every coastal areas throughout the country , with the spirit of social entrepreneur to enrich the knowledge, livelihoods and protect the environment for the future generations.Individual/organization willing to share with Phu Long Ecolife Cafe, please contact Entrepreneur VU HONG HUNG Manager of Phu Long Ecolife Cafe Tel (084)976 433 656 Address Phu Long commune, Cat Hai district, Hai Phong city Ms. Pham Tu Uyen Vietnet Information Technology and Communication Center (Vietnet-ICT) Tel (084)914 717 695 Email emailprotected org Address Room 3104, Building 34T, Hoang Dao Thuy street, Cau Giay district, Hanoi
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Federalism Essay
Although it is said that the national organization is supreme the state government also has the identical sovereignty on certain introduces. Federalism began when the Constitution of the United States began to develop. It was a compromise of causalitys between state and national governments. The main reason for federalism was to be sure that virtuoso government did not hold more power over the other. So by separating the powers of the government it avoided it, as well as preserved our personal liberty. quite a than the national government getting its powers from the states, or the other way around where the state gets its power from the national government, they receive it from the people. As this is a system of government for the people, by the people. The advantages and disadvantages of federalism have always been up for debate by the people. Some argue that federalisms advantages are that it promotes state loyalties by allowing Americans to feel connected or closeness with the ir state cosmos that federalism with holds that connection because they have given power to its states.Another advantage of federalism is that it uses common sense, in the running of a country with such(prenominal) a diverse population like the United States. Power is given to state and local officials to deal with certain problems, as it is easier being that they understand the problems in the area and would know the best policy to put in place to solve any issues. Lastly, federalism makes certain to prevent tyranny and the separation of powers by qualification sure that state governments function independently if all three branches of federal government are taken control of by a person and or group.By doing this federalism implements our governmental structure of liberty. Some of Federalisms disadvantages on the other hand are that federalism has been preventing the creation of a national policy. Rather than have a single policy on certain issues, instead the United States has m ultiple policies on issues which in the end causes a lot of confusion for the people. Secondly, federalism leads to the inability to charge up accountability.This being because the boundaries of the national and state government overlap, it makes it a lot harder for anyone to point blame on one of the governments specifically when policies fail. Finally, federalism continues to allow state and local areas to secernate against race as well as the most common issue recently of allowing the discrimination of a persons sexual preference of being gay or lesbian. Since the ratification of the Constitution American federalism has veerd in so many ways.One of this ways being that before the ratification of the Constitution in that location was only federal and state governments, but now we have lots of governments within the federal and state. For example, we now have townships, municipals, city, and county governments. In my opinion it is great that this change has happened being that nightimes it is easier for these local governments to handle certain local issues as they know what exactly would work best for their local area to help dissipate whatever problem is going on.Another thing is that the ratification of the Constitution strengthened the National government. Prior to the ratification the Articles of Confederation gave a lot of power to the states to do as they pleased. Ratification specifically laid out what states did not have the power to do. A lot of what has happened to federalism since the Constitution was ratified has been specifically base off what is happening at that moment in time.For me one major disadvantage of federalism that most relevant to me would be the discrimination against same gay marriages. This issue hits a specific nerve in me because of the close relation I have to the issue. As my mother is a lesbian, and has been with her partner for almost 15 historic period and though their relationship is like any other of a man and wo men they are not allowed to get married. I find it to be wrong that some states have legalized gay marriage whereas other such as Florida bans gay marriage and continues to discriminate against the issue.As of right now this issue is in the positive Court awaiting ruling and all me and my family can do is hope for the best. The federal government has definitely increased in size over the years though legislation. Every time Congress or the President establishes a federal act such as the Disabilities mould or Fair Pay Act the federal government grows in size. The same goes for every time the Supreme Court rules on a case that mandates civil liberties to all states the government grows in size and power.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
J. D. Salinger and Catcher
Rye went into 14 printings within a year of publication and continued to pass a large sale. The book had been translated into 30 languages and had sold more than 65 million copies. After his divorce with his second wife, Claire Douglas, he went to New Hampshire to be only when and be isolated. He stopped writing books and cut off most public contact. He would only write in private and enjoyed his time alone. Slinger died on January 27, 2010, of natural causes at his home in Cornish, New Hampshire. (American Decades. Deed. Judith S. Bushman. StudentResources in Context) Critics say that The catcher in the Rye is a need story but Holders quest is aimless and incomplete. The Catcher in the Rye is most frequently compared to Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The Catcher in the Rye was received enthusiastically by the reading public. The Catcher in the rye was a rapid success, The Catcher in the Rye was mostly praised by critics but others thought it was a failure. It wa s also controversial for its full-grown language and situations. The Catcher in the Rye became a classic coming of age tale about maturing from childhood to adulthood.Slinger filed a lawsuit against Ian Hamilton for writing J. D. Slinger A Writing Life. Slinger wanted to protect his privacy. Slinger influenced many people like Lynda Barry. I find J. D. Clingers writing fascinating. His themes are powerful and relatable in The Catcher in the Rye. I really enjoyed the novel and I would love to read some more of his works. (Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit. Student Resources In Context. )
Friday, May 24, 2019
Communication: Health Care and Electronic Medical Records
Communication Paper grading criteria located on the student website. There are a variety of converse modalities available to wellness care consumers and health care providers. These modalities and venues of communication may entail benefits and challenges to both consumers and providers. Select one communication modality used for marketing in health care. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper about a communication modality used in health care. acknowledge the following in your paper find out one specific mode of communication used by consumers and health care providers, such as e-mail, a web-based forum, or electronic medical records. hark and discuss the following o One benefit to the patient o One aspect relating to the values and importance of maintaining patient confidentiality when using this mode of communication o One reason this mode is an effective means of communication between consumers and providers o How does this mode of communication differ from others? o How might me dia and social networking change communication in health care? o How is this mode of communication used to market health care products or services, if applicable?Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed references, not including the textbook. Format paper consistent with APA guidelines. EMR is an acronymn for Electronic Medical Records. This refers to a paperless, digital and computerized system of maintaining patient data, designed to ontogenesis the efficiency and reduce documentation errors by streamlining the process. Implementing EMR is a complex, expensive investment that has created a demand for Healthcare IT professionals and accounts for a growing segment of the healthcare workforce.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Burn Case Study
Mr. Davis is a 56-year-old man who was involved in a flack in his home. He was smoking a cigarette and fell asleep, dropping the cigarette and igniting the bed linens. He sustained full thickness burns over the upper half of his trunk and neck (anterior and posterior) and the posterior aspects of both upper arms. He also sustained superficial partial-thickness burns to his face and hands. He arrived at your burn unit 5 hours after injury. Labs were drawn. A foley catheter and NG tube were inserted in the ER. Assessment findings Height is 72 inches, weight is 185 lbs.You auscultate wheezes in the longanimouss lungs and he has a productive cough of a small amount of carbon-tinged sputum. Mr. Davis rates his pain at a 9 on a scale of 0-10. He denies pain at the chest, neck, back, and upper arms. Urine output has totaled 150 ml since the foley was inserted 2 hours ago. His foley is draining burgundy-colored urine. Mr. Davis is experiencing nausea, has faint bowel sounds, and his tumm y is distended. A nasogastric tube was inserted to low intermittent suction and is draining dark yellow-green liquid.His extremities are edematous making the pulses difficult to palpate. His blood pressure is 96/50, pulse 114 beats per minute, respirations are 24, and temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The greatest initial threat to a patient with a major burn is hypovolemic shock. Using the higher up assessment 1. Do you think Mr. Davis is experiencing hypovolemic shock? If so, what data supports this? (2 points) Yes, Mr. Davis is most likely experiencing hypovolemic shock, due to low blood pressure, increased heart rate, as well as an increase in respiratory rate.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Technology and New Technological Generation
The tremendous development in engine room and the diversity in this industry have drastically changed the life style of mess in society. The progress in engineering has good impacts as thoroughly as bad implications to tidy sum. In many ways, engineering simplifies life,and it has many adept do to the community and the human condition. On the other hand, the result of the scientific progress has brought many complications to our lives.However, the negative and affirmative effects of technology depends completely on battalions exposure to it and the implement that they give it. To begin, the enormous progress in technology is responsible for the great forward revolution in the field of agriculture, manufacturing, warfare, transportation, information, medicine, converse and so on. The mass media, for instance, is one of the most representative areas. We have radio, television, telephones, Internet, and every other device that will fit in the palm of the hand.A nonher simul ation is the technological derive in the area of medicine that has introduced the latest tools to improve quality patient care. Furthermore, technology plays an important role in international consider beca utilisation the public market has been globalizing by it. In other words, the most important contribution of technology to society is making the lives of common people much easier and assist them get what was previously not possible. On the other hand, the huge development in technology has as well as complicated life, and it has many negative effects on people.First of all, the sunrise(prenominal) technology in mass media changes cultural values and social behaviors by spreading ideas, values, behavior patterns within a society and among different groups. whatsoever technologies also have negative effects on the environment, such as pollution, and lack of sustainability because they are designed to economic effects only. The new forms of entertainment, such as Internet, and television games have serious effects on children and adults causing obesity, laziness, and loss of personality.In addition, through the Internet, the pornographic and gambling industries have been introduced for the various web sites. Therfore, the consequences of the technological advance does not only affect the people it also affect the planet. As a matter in fact, technology has been part of life on the undercoat since the approaching of the human species like language, rituals, commerce, and the arts. Technology is an intrinsic part of human culture and it shapes society as well as is shaped by society.However, the positive or negative effect of technology on society will depend on the choices that people make. These choices between increasing technology include, rising to consumer demands, products take of distribution, and peoples ability to gain these products with ease. Other effects of technology are beliefs regarding to freedom of choice, materialism, consumeris m, and the utilization of technologies just as people requests. To illustrate, technology could be employ to maintain, prolong, or terminate a life depend on the patients desire.Therefore, the difference in a person attitude towards technology is qualified on that persons exposure to it rather that the notion she/he has of it. In conclusion, the technologies available to people greatly influence how their lives are as well as people have influence on technologys development and how it is used. Indeed, the industrial revolution is still underway changing patterns of produce and transport with it the economic and social consequences. The more obvious economic effect of the industrial revolution is the depletion of nonrenewable natural resources such as petroleum, coal, and ores.The social consequences of the technological modernisation are the negative impact on peoples behavior and the creation of the new technological generation. However, people should take advantage of the tech nology advances and use it wisely in benefit to their lives. For example, people could use technology to create shortcuts in working and making tasks easy too. On the contrary, unfortunately, people could use technology to create weapons of massive destruction. Finally, we are the new technological generation, so not only the future of this civilization but the future of the planet is in our hands.Technology and New Technological GenerationThe tremendous development in technology and the diversity in this industry have drastically changed the lifestyle of people in society. The progress in technology has good impacts as well as bad implications to people. In many ways, technology simplifies life,and it has many beneficial effects to the community and the human condition. On the other hand, the result of the technological progress has brought many complications to our lives.However, the negative and positive effects of technology depends completely on peoples exposure to it and the u se that they give it. To begin, the enormous progress in technology is responsible for the great forward revolution in the fields of agriculture, manufacturing, warfare, transportation, information, medicine, communication and so on. The mass media, for instance, is one of the most representative areas. We have radio, television, telephones, Internet, and every other device that will fit in the palm of the hand.Another example is the technological advance in the area of medicine that has introduced the latest tools to improve quality patient care. Furthermore, technology plays an important role in international trade because the world market has been globalizing by it. In other words, the most important contribution of technology to society is making the lives of common people much easier and helping them achieve what was previously not possible. On the other hand, the huge development in technology has also complicated life, and it has many negative effects on people.First of all, the new technology in mass media changes cultural values and social behaviors by spreading ideas, values, behavior patterns within a society and among different groups. Some technologies also have negative effects on the environment, such as pollution, and lack of sustainability because they are designed to economic effects only. The new forms of entertainment, such as Internet, and video games have serious effects on children and adults causing obesity, laziness, and loss of personality.In addition, through the Internet, the pornographic and gambling industries have been introduced for the various web sites. Therfore, the consequences of the technological advance does not only affect the people it also affect the planet. As a matter in fact, technology has been part of life on the earth since the advent of the human species like language, rituals, commerce, and the arts. Technology is an intrinsic part of human culture and it shapes society as well as is shaped by society.However, the positive or negative effect of technology on society will depend on the choices that people make. These choices between increasing technology include, rising to consumer demands, products channels of distribution, and peoples ability to gain these products with ease. Other effects of technology are beliefs regarding to freedom of choice, materialism, consumerism, and the utilization of technologies just as people requests. To illustrate, technology could be used to maintain, prolong, or terminate a life depend on the patients desire.Therefore, the difference in a person attitude towards technology is dependent on that persons exposure to it rather that the notion she/he has of it. In conclusion, the technologies available to people greatly influence how their lives are as well as people have influence on technologys development and how it is used. Indeed, the industrial revolution is still underway changing patterns of work and bringing with it the economic and social consequenc es. The more obvious economic effect of the industrial revolution is the depletion of nonrenewable natural resources such as petroleum, coal, and ores.The social consequences of the technological modernization are the negative impact on peoples behavior and the creation of the new technological generation. However, people should take advantage of the technology advances and use it wisely in benefit to their lives. For example, people could use technology to create shortcuts in working and making tasks easy too. On the contrary, unfortunately, people could use technology to create weapons of massive destruction. Finally, we are the new technological generation, so not only the future of this civilization but the future of the planet is in our hands.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Influence of Using Sequentra®
SAN BEDA COLLEGE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MENDIOLA, MANILA RESEARCH Methodology The Influence of Using Sequentra on the Johnson Controls Inc. Global WorkPlace Knowledge Centres (JCI-GWK) Transaction instruction and countenance Administration go and to the Clients SUBMITTED TO Dr. Milagros Malaya SUBMITTED BY Mark Anthony M. Villasis DATE February 05, 2011 TABLE OF limit I. Background of the Study2 II. Statement of the Problem3 III. Objectives of the Study General and Specific4 IV. Signifi washstandce of the Study 4 V. Review of Related Literature5 VI. Integration of Literature Findings8 VII. Assumptions of the Study8VIII. useable Definition of Terms9 IX. Conceptual & practicable example12 X. Scope and Limitations13 XI. Hypotheses13 XII. Bibliography14 XIII. Appendices15 I. Background of the Study The business process outsourcing (BPO) invests heavily with technology and infrastructure. The Philippines to date is at par with the worlds best in technology. out-of-pocket to their substantial investment in systems, networks, security, and softwargon, or so global BPO providers look for highly transactional, technology-intensive work such as portfolio database centering, payroll, and records management to achieve the highest profit.With the global marketplace worthy increasingly competitive and the insatiable appetite for business education, the volume of data that must be managed and assimilated is growing at an exponential rate. Global corporations require old-hat processes, consistent data to enable global consolidation and the ability to transform raw data into business intelligence to support better decision making. In many cases, regions, countries and even cities have different finance systems, computerized maintenance management systems, purchase order processing and call centre platforms with inconsistent data conquer and coding.Just to add to the complexity the data can be in different languages. To keep track of the data collected from business operations most companies use fivefold systems. Retrieving and consolidating this information in a eraly manner (e. g. month end reporting) can be a costly and resource intensive task. reading management centres have been forced to provide more serves whilst reducing resource cost to remain competitive. In response to these business challenges, GWK is before long using Sequentra, a web-based package that allows capturing the chase key areas of information in one comprehensive web-based performance. Lease Administration Transaction anxiety Rent & in operation(p) expense tracking Project milestone tracking Full client chart of accounts for AP integration Project budget tracking Critical lease dates & options mathematical process measurement Key property contacts Electronic customer satisfaction surveys Space allocations internal charge backs Document management Space type allocations Document management capability II. Statement of the Problem This c ontract will be conducted to explain the influence of Sequentra to the Transaction Management and Lease Administration run of JCI-JWK and to the customers. This ruminate was intend to answer the following questions ) What features does Sequentra offer to the Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services of JCI-JWK? 2) What benefits does Sequentra put forward to the customers? 3) Who are the existing clients of JCI-JWKs Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services that benefited from Sequentra? III. Objectives of the Study Main Objective To examine the effect of using Sequentra based on functional advantage on JCI-GWKs Transaction Managers and Lease Administrators, and satisfaction to the customers. Specific Objectives 1) To find out the features of Sequentra that contributes an operational advantage to the Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services of JCI-JWK? ) To discover the benefits that Sequentra offers to the customers businesses? 3) To gibe whether the clients of JCI-JWKs Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services are satisfied. IV. Significance of the Study With the global marketplace becoming increasingly competitive and the insatiable appetite for business information, the volume of data that must be managed and assimilated is growing at an exponential rate. Global corporations take advantage of the current technologies, and infrastructures, require measurement processes, consistent data to enable global consolidation and the ability to transform raw data into business intelligence to support better decision making.This study intends to investigate the influence of using Sequentra on the JCI-GWKs Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services and to its clients. Determining the features and benefits that Sequentra offers and find out if the clients, in turn, is satisfied. This study will also give confidence to the Information engineering science (IT) practitioners to focus their init iatives on developing toolsets that provide operational advantages. V. Review of Related Literature On Web Based Applications According to an article on http//www. articlesbase. com entitled Benefits of Web Based Applications, some of the core benefits of Web Based Application are the following 1) Compatibility.Web based applications are far more compatible across platforms than traditional installed software. 2) Efficiency. The benefit of web based solution is that they not only modernizes found business practices, but also makes services and information available from any web-facilitated personal computer. 3) Highly deployable. Deploying web applications to the end users are very easy. It simply call for to send the user a website address to log into and provide them with internet approach shot facility. 4) Security of live data. Web based applications provide an surplus security by removing the need for the user to have access to the data and back end servers. 5) Cost Effecti ve.Web based applications can considerably lower the costs because of reduced support and maintenance, lower requirements on the end user system and simplified plans. On Operational Advantage An eHow contributor wrote an article on how can the information technology (IT) change a business. According to the article, IT has brought about a revolution at the workplace since the 90s. The recent development and fast-paced adoption of lucre conference and Web-based technologies and applications has enhanced the potential of IT. IT and computer systems deployed strategically can impact the operational aspects and productivity parameters of a business. IT and attendant technologies and tools can be used to change key business operations, functions and activities of a business.Businesses can invest in desktop computers, workstations, laptops, minicomputers, notebook computers and high-end servers for a host of organizational tasks and functions. Market-available software, computing applic ations, networking and other IT productivity tools installed in computers and computer systems can help professionals, workers and staff in a business to streamline work processes and execute tasks and functions faster in order to achieve organizational-defined goals and targets. Johnson Controls has substantial Sequentra to enhance palpable earth management, lease administration, project management and reporting for improved productivity and decision making.This application was developed by real nation professionals who possess a unique knowledge of other applications offered in the marketplace, and a keen appreciation of the switching costs to move to web-based applications. As a result, Sequentra was intentional to dynamically conflate with existing legacy systems and provide web-based access to certain data managed in the legacy system. This allows corporations to gain the benefits of web access without the cost and epoch to replace systems, retrain staff and modify proce sses. In addition, Sequentra adds new functionality and reporting capability not otherwise present in other legacy systems. (Sequentra Technology for the Real Estate Industry). pic Figure 1. Integrated Components of Sequentra On Customer SatisfactionAbout the virtual environment, the research that has addressed the influence of sensed quality on satisfaction is limited. Rolland (2003) studied the relationship between the perceived quality of a website and satisfaction with the site. The results shows that the perceived quality of the website influence positively satisfaction. This relationship has been demonstrated by Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) they shown that the overall quality of service, predicts strongly satisfaction of users. The same result was also confirmed by Bressolles (2004) who studied this link in a shopping put through at two sites a site for digital products and a travel site.The results show a strong and positive relationship between the two concepts. It follow s that service quality influence positively satisfaction after a purchase from a merchant site. VI. Integration of Literature Findings Through the literary productions review, the research worker has shown the benefits of the web-based applications, the operational advantage of adopting the information technology (e. g. adoption of Internet communication and Web-based technologies and applications), and the influence of perceived quality of a website on satisfaction. It is therefore reasonable to consider the influences of the web-based application on the operational advantage of a service and the satisfaction of the customers.Meanwhile, technology adoption generates less human contact which might result in shove along of time and effort and concern about privacy and confidentiality from the customer point of view (Bitner 2001). Meyronin (2004) has indicated that electronic intermediation tends to impoverish service relations, and human interactions might fashion value through a dvanced services, so that a balance between competitive advantage and productivity gains is necessary. VII. Assumptions of the Study The assumptions of the study are as follows 1. The researcher will identify the Sequentra features that have been suggested as being authorised for Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services. 2. The researcher will also pinpoint the Sequentra benefits that are known to offer business advantages to the clients. 3.The existing clients of JCI-JWKs Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services that have benefited from Sequentra are ranging from regional organizations to large multi-national corporations. VIII. Operational Definition of Terms Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a subset of outsourcing that involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions (or processes) to a third-party service provider. Typically categorized into back percentage outsourcing which includes internal b usiness functions such as human resources or finance and accounting, and front office outsourcing which includes customer- colligate services such as contact center services.BPO that is assure outside a companys country is called offshore outsourcing. BPO that is contracted to a companys neighboring (or nearby) country is called nearshore outsourcing. (Wikipedia) Given the proximity of BPO to the information technology industry, it is also categorized as an information technology enabled service or ITES. Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) and legal process outsourcing (LPO) are some of the sub-segments of business process outsourcing industry. Information technology (IT) is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications.The term in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review, in which authors Lea vitt and Whisler commented that the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information technology. (Wikipedia) IT is the area of managing technology and spans wide variety of areas that include but are not limited to things such as processes, computer software, information systems, computer hardware, programing languages, and data constructs. In short, anything that renders data, information or perceived knowledge in any visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia distribution mechanism, is considered part of the domain space known as Information Technology (IT). (Wikipedia) Lease Administration Services.Lease Administration is the process of maintaining and utilizing pertinent information contained within the lease by either the landlord or tenant. It includes the performing of all activities that ensure lease complianceconsisting of both monetary and non monetary obligations. It includes calculating rent increases and the other party corr oborative calculations already made. It includes the process by which the tenant notifies the landlord of its intent to exercise an option to renew or its intent to vacate. It also includes the process by which landlords determine additional monetary charges a tenant may be liable for. It includes determining each partys insurance requirements at a lower place the lease.In short, it includes the entire process of determining obligations under the lease and ensuring such obligations are met by the other party. Lease administration by the tenant would include providing information (critical dates, rights and responsibilities) to its managers including facilities, operations, finance, and risk. These titles (responsibilities ultimately) may be filled by the same individual, or not. If not, they may be outsourced which contributes further at times to the confusion and the possibility of oversights in ensuring lease obligations are being met. Sequentra is an integrated, collaborative, w eb-based real kingdom software solution and serves as a central repository for all portfolio and project-related information.Sequentra was developed by Johnson Controls to provide clients with enhanced communications and accountability for all facets of real estate and project-related requirements. This real estate software also contains a lease administration module that, when combined with the project tracking feature, can fully integrate a clients entire real estate database and reporting system. Transaction Management. Transaction management is the efficient management of real estate related dealings. Organizing information and tasks in a sequential order and makes the process easy to track by all parties involved with the transactions. Sending notifications to the transaction team members inform them that they have an active task.Ensuring that transactions are completed on schedule and that the transaction team works more efficiently thus reducing the roll times. IX. Concept ual & Operational Framework Firstly, this study aims to explore the influence of using Sequentra based on operational advantage on the JCI-GWKs Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services. Determine the features and benefits that Sequentra offers and find out if the clients, in turn, is satisfied. The researcher will start with three questions First, is there an operational advantage that the Transaction Managers and Lease Administrators experienced in using Sequentra? Second, what benefits does Sequentra put forward to the clients?Third, who are the existing customers of the JCI-JWKs Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services that have benefited from Sequentra. An in-depth interview method will be knowing. Then, a questionnaire survey follows to validate how Sequentra influences the JCI-GWKs Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services, and the client satisfaction. Figure 2. Conceptual Framework X. Scope and Limitations This study will be co nducted mainly to explore the influence of using Sequentra on the JCI-GWKs Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services and to the clients. The focus will be on the operational advantage of the services and the clients satisfaction based on the benefits that Sequentra offers to their businesses.Data will be gathered through descriptive method. This will serve as the primary source of data collection. Secondary data will include related literature about the subject of the research. XI. Hypotheses The researcher proposes a direct relationship between using Sequentra and the operational advantage to the Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services of JCI-JWK and client satisfaction. H1. Using Sequentra which increases operation efficiency of service is positively related with client satisfaction. H2. Using Sequentra which increases operation efficiency of service is negatively related with client satisfaction when the services fail. XII. Bibliography Online Arti clesSequentra Technology for the Real Estate Industry http//www. sequentra. com/solutions/sequentra. html Sequentra User Help Section http//www. sequentra. net/sequentra/help/user_help/new_help/ SSL /FlashHelp/Sequentra_User_Help_Section. htm Business Process Outsourcing http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Business_process_outsourcing Information Technology http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Information_technology Biswajit Nag, Business Process Outsourcing Impact and Implications, Bulletin on Asia-Pacific Perspectives 2004/05. Retrieved September 12, 2009 from ebsco. com Journals Bitner MJ (2001), Service and Technology Opportunities and Paradoxes.Manage Service Quality 11(6)375379 Bressolles G. (2004), The quality of electronic service, NETQUAL scale, consequences and lead variables, Ph. D. in Management Sciences, University of Toulouse I. Meyronin B (2004), ICT the creation of value and differentiation in services. Manage Service Quality 14(2/3)216225 Rolland S. (2003), The impact of Intern et use on perceived quality and consumer satisfaction, PhD in Management Sciences, University Paris Dauphine. Wolfinbarger M. and Gilly M. C. (2003), E-TailQ dimensionalizing, measuring and predicting retail quality, Journal of Retailing, 79, 183-198. XIII. Appendices Appendix 1. Sequentra Components SEQUENTRA COMPONENTS Project Module Team assignment and milestone tracking (e-mail ticklers) post deal point analysis Budget tracking Space programming Contacts database Single repository for documents Savings calculations Property Module Rent stream and expenses interior(a) allocations Lease clauses Critical dates & options (e-mail ticklers) Contacts database Reporting Standard reports library Ad hoc reporting capability Produces rich, highly formatted reports into Adobe Acrobat, Excel and HTML System Admin Assigns flexible, secure access rights to end users Capability to customize fields, e-mail notifications and project templates Manage document templates library Appendix 2. Specific Features and Benefits of Sequentra FEATURES BENEFITS Project/Property Specific Bulletin bike time for projects is greatly reduced as team members can communicate and collaborate on Board projects anytime, anywhere. Web-based application Does not require any software to be installed on a users local machine. The only requirement is Internet access. Central repository for all project Lets users who are scatter collaborate on files associated with each assignment.Users related files and document templates always know where to go for the most recent version of a file. Flexible, secure access outlined security levels ensure that users have access to applicable projects/properties. Process Automation, Milestone email Communication is enhanced, as team members can be automatically e-mailed when an important Notifications assignment milestone has been reached or falls behind schedule. Customizable Can be customized to mirror your organiz ation. Appendix 3. Sequentra, an exclusive Real Estate Management tool with multiple advantagesBecause Sequentra was developed by real estate and e-business experts and is supported by Johnson Controls, a global real estate services and facilities management company, clients can count on a tool designed to help maximize the performance of their real estate assets. Seamless integration between property and project modules to save time and eliminate errors. Real-time collaboration and information sharing to reduce cycle time. 24/7 access to data from web-based browsers. Automated workflow ensures schedules are maintained and results are measurable. Project team members have access to project files and templates. Flexible access rights for file and project security. Embedded proactive email notifications enhance communication regarding project milestones. Fully customizable and scalable to fit the needs of any organization. Generate self-definable reports with a user-friendly interface. Johnson Controls operates in more than 50 countries, with thousands of dedicated real estate services and facilities management employees, and a billion square feet under management. Customers benefit from a worldwide knowledge network focused on delivering strategically-based services and solutions designed to contribute to enterprise goals. Appendix 4. List of Existing Clients Below is a partial list of GWK clients that have benefited from Sequentra Solutions. Agilent Technologies Manpower Cadbury Otis Carrier Corporation Pratt & Whitney Hamilton Sundstrand Ryder henry Schein Sikorsky Motorola Sonoco United Technologies Realty WPP Sequentra Features and Benefits Operational advantage on the JCI-GWKs Transaction Management and Lease Administration Services Client Satisfaction
Monday, May 20, 2019
Minorities and Women in Criminal Justice Essay
There argon many key f bes imp recreateing minorities and wo clutches in the unlawful arbiter system . Sexism settle down exists in the United States. Sexism against women is shown in the media and indicates that sexism still pervades in our society. Another key issue is the overrepresentation and disparities among minorities in the criminal justice system. After the act of September 11, racial profiling and other acts of racial hate crimes suggests that racism occurs. Another key issue that indicates that racial disparities occur in the criminal justice system is the overrepresentation of minorities in the new-made Justice system. Sexism against women- Sexism still pervades in our society.A clear example of this is the way Hillary Clinton was treated in the elections. Hillary faced many gender-based misapply by the media and many souls. Multiple studies on women in national security set out shown concerns about the attainment of women into senior leadership positions (Erbe , 2008). Some feel women are inferior to men, this is clearly a form of sexism. Statistics from U.S. business office of Justice indicates that women are much more likely than men to experience nonfatal intimate colleague violence. 30% of female homicide victims are estimated to have been killed by intimate partners in comparison to 5% male homicide victims. In the past, women were not included in higher study.When women were included in higher education , they were encouraged into majors that were less intellectual. Women have been excluded from participating in many professions. Based on a 2009 study transported by Cornell University on the topic of CEOs, research suggests that while being obese limits the career opportunities of both women and men, being a bit overweight harms only female executives and may truly benefit male executives. Theres also a disparity of wages between men and women. Today, women earn 75% of the income of men. Research conducted suggest that mothers are 44% less likely to be leased than women with otherwise identical resumes, experience, and qualifications, and if hired are offered on an average $11,000 a year less than women without children.On the other hand, men without children earn on an average $7,500 less than men with children. Discrimination in insipid justice system- The Juvenile Justice System was established in the late 1800s. Juvenile did not have much Constitutional rights until recently when the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control incite was established in 1968. The act was created to help adolescents who are in danger of becoming delinquent by providing assistance. The juvenile justice system is separate from the adult criminal court system. Afri drop American juveniles are overrepresented in the Juvenile justice system.Statistics show that the criminal justice system discriminates against racial minorities. Racial disparities questions the treatment of juveniles by the legal philosophy, courts/juven ile justice system . Cases are affected by race in the front end of the system. colored males are more likely to be detained compared to whites. USA Today article indicates that minorities fare worse in traffic stops. Police use more force against Blacks and Hispanics. Report concludes with disturbing disparities as to what happens to minorities after the stop. Recommendations for the criminal justice system include building accountability in the exercise of discretion by police and prosecutors, and improve the diversity of low enforcement personnel.Other recommendations include improving the collection of criminal justice entropy relevant to racial consequences of criminal convictions. Minorities-The USA Patriot achievement was passed after September 11, 2006 when the United States was attacked by terrorist. The act was passed on October 26, 2001 by members of the congress. The Patriot Act stretches terrorism laws to include domestic terrorism which can cause political organizat ions to surveillance, wiretapping, harassment, and criminal action (Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA Patriot Act) 2001). Law enforcement can conduct secret searches at their exit.They can have access to medical, financial, mental health and student records with minimal oversight. some(prenominal) feel that new legislation and enforcement of The Patriot Act takes away our freedom and some feel that this will protect us and possibly prevent another attack. There are many disadvantages of The Patriot Act. legion(predicate) Arabs and Asian immigrants have been interrogated not for a wrong act solely because of religion or ethnic background. New Federal Executive Branch actions have discriminated Arabs and Asians. Thousands of Asian and Arab men have been held in custody for weeks and months, without any charges filed against them. An action such as these by the brass is supported by The Patriot Act yet it threatens the First Amendment which is supposed to protect our freedom o f religion, speech assembly, and the press.It also threatens the fourth Amendment which is freedom from mindless searches and seizures. There is a lack of info within the patriot act that shows evidence that this act was a major reason for September 11 terrorist attacks. This act is an invasion of privacy with inadequate security benefits. The government is given the opportunity and power to investigate and search peoples homes without good cause. Inaccurate information collected by the government can be kept on file permanently and viewed by law enforcement officers. This personal and flawed information can be used against the American citizen to create hardship.A file can be created not based on criminal actions or misconduct but based on suspicion. It is evident the Patriot act threatens some of the amendments in the bill of rights and invades our privacy. There are many pros and cons to The Patriot Act. Citizens have to give up some individual rights in results of saving lives . The Act is meant to protect the U.S. society, civil rights and liberty. Liberty has to be sacrificed to obtain security.Community policing can address the fear that an individual citizen experiences after any act Instead of de-emphasizing community policing efforts, police departments should realize that community policing may be more important than ever in dealing with terrorism in their communities (Homeland Security). condescension the progress and change that our country has experienced, unfortunately sexism and racial disparities still exist within the criminal justice system.ReferencesUniting and strengthen America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA Patriot Act) Act of 2001. Retrieved Aug 14, 2009 Democrats Opposition, House Reauthorizes Patriot Act. Retrieved August 14, 2008 fromhttp//
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Bullying in the organization sby
When we speak of work-place intimidation, we argon really referring to the verbal, physical, kindly or psychological assault that ones employer or manager, a nonher separate or concourse of people carry out on a person. In other words it is the tendency of someones to do increasingly aggressive attitude towards a co-worker or be very erroneous towards him. This has pose an increasingly important problem that Human resource department at most system of ruless fox to counter.What makes piece of work bully far much difficult to counter than school-yard bullyrag is that it normally operates within the rules and regulations prescribed by the makeup and the society. Also, according to Ichniowski and Olson (2000), workplace bullies generally use words and actions to intimidate their victims, unlike playground bullies, who practically resort to using their fists. workplace bullying whitethorn involve verbal, non-verbal abuse tactics, humiliation, physical and psychological aggression.Workplace bullying isnt specific to a certain fictitious character of work-environment, as it put up happen in all type of work condition, ranging from offices to workshops, from highly bureaucratic work environments, like the military, to highly casual ones. Workplace bullying may fruit diverse forms much(prenominal) as being rude or confrontational, damaging airplane propeller that belongs to the organisation, social isolation, screaming and cursing others, physically assaulting them, etc.According to Ichniowski and Olson (2000), psychological and social bullying usually involves verbal abuse, aimed at do fun of ones work or the individual himself. This may include making fun of ones ethnicity, family, sexuality, race, education, etc. Isolation is another means of inflicting psychological aggression upon an individual. Workplace bullies will to a fault try various methods of harassment and intimidation to upset your mind and make received you arent able to foc us on what you are supposed to, i. e. work.According to Lewis (2003), incase the bully is your boss or employer or supervisor, he or she dexterity try to assign you pointless tasks that have nothing to do with your area of speciality or your cable description. The other extreme end would be assigning you jobs that may be extremely boring, difficult or impossible to perform due to lack of time, or measuredly holding back information you need for getting your work done properly. Similarly, one might be a victim of physical bullying, where one may be attacked or threatened.According to Thomas (2005), acts of physical bullying include spitting, pushing, punching, shoving, kicking, tripping, scratching, grabbing, biting, attacking or threatening with equipment much(prenominal) as knives, club, gun, etc or any other type of direct physical contact. Physical bullying too includes sexual harassment, such as flashing or touching, or when you are made to do humiliating things in order to be accepted as part of a team, as stated byIchniowski and Olson (2000).Incase of physical bullying, especially, one should immediately report the matter to the law of nature and the employer or someone in the homosexual resource department. One stool in addition revert to the pursual steps in order to deal with a workplace bully, as explained by Ichniowski and Olson (2000) Seek advice from a trusted individual or may be a mentor, who might be available in the same organisation or even outside, who may have been through a similar stance One can also try to confront the bully in a professional manner, except keeping in mind ones own safety and giving it top priority.One should vex as calm as possible, and no sink to his or her level, and yell or threaten, as more often than not this is what bullies are looking for in the first place. And neither should one show weakness and cry, cause that might again motivate the bully to come back for more One shouldnt allow the bully to make one feel low self-esteemed, because only the individual would know his or her true worth or capacity One should focus on the task in overstep and try to do it well, because the bullys goal is most often to try and fail you in your job One shouldnt let the bully isolate oneself from friends and colleaguesTo date, the phenomenon of workplace bullying is always associated with managers or colleagues who are the perpetrators, solely that may not always be the case. There is something known as up bullying which may exist in organisations. In this case managers are actually the target. But since it is very rare, not much research or attention has been given to it. A recent research conducted on upwards bullying by students of Griffith University, shows that work environment, change within organizations and power issues are the major contributing factors to upward bullying.According to Kelly (2000), organisations usually do not take workplace bullying by the neck, their polici es are usually blemished which enables bullies to take advantage. In most cases the Human vision Department is aware of who the aggressor is, but they usually wait for something illegal to happen, i. e. if its not illegal harassment there is no effort made to obliterate it. According to Kelly (2000), a research conducted by the University of Illinois indicates that workplace bullying occurs 4 times as ofttimes as compared to illegal forms of harassment or discrimination.WORKPLACE BULLYING AND THE HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT However, ideally speaking, an organisation would be better off taking strict action and notice against workplace bullies themselves rather than allowing individuals to do so. The first and foremost step for them would be to come up with an anti-harassment policy, or try to expand an living anti-harassment policy if it hasnt proven to be effective enough. Such a policy would also uphold witnesses to come forwards and either second the targets claim or dismiss t hem.Also, the human resource department should try to structure a dispute resolution process. This would encourage the targets to step forward sooner. According to Zapf and Einarsen (2001), the human resource department should also monitor the turnover rates and stress-related compensation claims interpreted by the workers within every department and every manager, so that even if a manager who is inculpatory of workplace bullying goes unreported, such an analysis ca earn him into the limelight.Another approach to tackling workplace bullying would be to offer courses and training to the supervisors and teach them to criticise employees without offending them. Also, in the present scenario, where, companies, especially the bigger ones have a well-diversified work force, the Human Resource should take claims of workplace bullying very seriously, because if they fail to cherish such claims seriously, it would result in further isolation and mistrust on part of the employee.The leade rship along with the Human resource Department should realise the grave consequences workplace bullying may have on the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation. According to Kelly (2000), in approximately 80% of the cases, the employees productivity is adversely affected. This unreasonable behaviour also affects the mental and physical health of the employees, resulting in a decrease in the job satisfaction and job involvement. According to Vartia (1996), it causes a decrease in the employees morale, resulting in higher turnover rates.This also causes long term loses to the organisation as they employees that are bullied may sooner or later de-escalate their jobs, this increases the companys overall advertising expenditure, as they have to advertise frequent job vacancies, and also train the new employee and explain him the job description and the kind of work he would have to perform. Now, the human resource department may respond to issues related to workplace bu llying in 5 different ways. The first one is called the Mafioso, which is perhaps the worst stance HR can take with regards to such a situation.In this case even though the HR is aware of the problem and the aggressors, they are not inclined to take any action. In other words they actively participate in bullying employees and support such activities from every possible angle. The second approach is called the Ostrich, where the HR department come up with muffled and light-haired responses to reports of workplace bullying, such as saying that, we do not have such problem at the workplace nor are we gong to have one, etc. The third stance is termed as fire-fighter, where the Human Resource Department is overloaded with work, and they do not have time to focus or concentrate on such matters.WORKPLACE BULLYING AND THE LEADERSHIP Apart from the Human resource department itself, leadership of that particular organisation has a very important role to play in managing and curtailing emplo yee behaviour and preventing workplace bullying. If the leader can take a stand against any such activity, the chances of occurrence may drastically drop automatically. leaders need to see all employees equally and avoid any biases when treating employees, as stated by Rayner and barrel maker (2003). They should prohibit from doing acts that portray favourism towards a particular employee or a group of employees.EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AMONGST INDIVIDUALS Also what might be of significant help when managing workplace bullying in organisations is if the individual has a higher spot of activated intelligence. It helps employees manage their own mood along with the mood of the organization. It instils in them a greater level of self-awareness and empathy allowing them to read and regulate their emotions while being able to intuitively grasp how others feel and gauge the emotional state of the organisation. According to Goleman (2000), there are five components to emotional intelligen ce.Self-awareness is the quality where emotional intelligence actually begins, such individuals are neer hesitant to talk about and discuss their weaknesses and it is this attitude that later mystifys upon a positive change in them as they are able to improve upon their weaknesses with the passage of time. According to Sheehan (1999), this helps them bring about a positive change as one becomes aware of his or her limitations and one knows when and where he or she can actually stand-up and deliver regardless of the obstacles that may come his way.The second trait is self-regulation, and individuals with this trait can control their emotions and impulses better and channel them for tidy purposes. This brings about an openness to criticism in their attitude and behaviour, and increases their trustworthiness and integrity, and also helps them remain comfortable in ambiguous and unreasonable situations and scenario, as discussed by Sheehan (1999). So, an individual with higher degre e of self-regulation is never intimidated or threatened from workplace bullies, and he never reacts to any of their actions, which is what the bullies ideally want.Motivation is perhaps the most important trait and the most obvious one that an individual is judged upon in an environment where workplace bullying is rampant. The individual needs to self-motivate himself to performing his job and the tasks assigned to him without sentiment too much about what activities or attitude other employee or employees have towards him. It portrays the optimism of the individual, and his dedication to the organisation, such that he is able to find positives from every negative thing that happens in his life, so it has to do more with the mind than anything else.Understanding the emotional makeup of others is referred to as empathy. In order to tackle workplace bullying, it is important for the individual to understand why the aggressor is trying to bully him, and what is he trying to achieve fr om such an act. This can greatly help individual in managing himself and his emotions and react the right way and not lose focus, as explained by Sheehan (1999). The last trait that comes under emotional intelligence is the social skills of the individual.It is the proficiency in managing relationships and grammatical construction networks that can greatly help an individual to overcome the effects of workplace bullying. It is always a good feeling to have some support on your own side. This may also help in finding common grounds between individuals who are aggrieved and the bullies and it also enables one to build rapport. It also improves his intensity level and the ability to build and lead teams. THE CHALLENGE OF CULTURAL CHANGES As described earlier, workplace bullying is a problem that is more common than what people anticipate or realise.It not only impacts the individual himself, but also the organisation and the society itself is affected. And apart from resulting in los t productivity, there are other risks that it bring along for the organisation, which include legal expenses and settlement payouts. Many believe that changing the organisations finishing is the way forward. The challenge for the Human resource department is to picture the prevailing problem of workplace bullying. They also need to identify how much of it is contributed due to the loop holes in the office rules, which describe an employees conduct when at work.They also need to identify how much of an impact has training had in shaping their attitude and behaviour. so comes the most important step, whereby, the human resource department needs to identify practical approaches to nurturing a grow that reduces bullying. Last but not the least, the Human Resource Department needs to identify a long-term approach to tackling such issues, i. e. they need to formulate a long-term strategy to eradicate workplace bullying. References barrel maker (eds. ), Bullying and emotional abuse in the workplace.International Perspectives in research and practice (London, Taylor and Francis) Cooper, L (eds. ), Bullying and unrestrained Abuse in the Workplace. International Perspectives in research and practice (London, Taylor and Francis) Goleman, Daniel. (1998) What Makes a Leader? , Harvard Business Review. Ichniowski, Casey and Craig Olson. (2000). The American Workplace Skills, Compensation, and Employee Involvement. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. Kelly, David. (2000). Workplace Bullies Dump Bull on Co-Workers. Available http// html. Last accessed 18 phratry 2008. Lewis, D. (2003), Voices in the social construction of bullying at work, International ledger of worry and finding Making, 4, 1. pp. 65-81. Rayner, C. & Cooper, C. L. (2003), The black hole in bullying at work research, International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 4, 1. Pp. 47-64. Robbins, Stephen P. 2004. Organizational Behavior. New York Pearsons. Sheeh an, M. (1999), Workplace bullying responding with some emotional intelligence, International Journal of Manpower, 20, ?, pp 57-69 Thomas M. (2005), Bullying among support staff in a higher education institution, health Education, 105, 4, pp. 273-288. Vartia, M. (1996), The sources of bullying psychological work environment and organisational climate, European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 5, 2. pp 203-214. Zapf, D. & Einarsen, S. (2001), Bullying in the workplace Recent trends in research and practice an introduction, European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 10 (4), pp. 369-373.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Eight C’s of Effective Communication Essay
Almost every schoolbook on writing or speaking skills lists a set of criteria that can be used to justice the effectiveness of a document or presentation. If this list of linguistic process, solely beginning with the letter C, helps you remember some of the criteria for good writing, the technique of alliteration has worked. If, however, this list leaves you cold, create your own list, but remember to retain the plan of each C- invent in your newly created list. Clear This is the most important C-word. If your reader cannot understand what you are try to say or if he/she has to reread a section of your document, you have failed to communicate. Choose simple language/sentencesthis is especially decisive when describing complex ideas. Make only one point at a time. laissez passer frequent examples or provide illustrations to support your main points. Interpret critical results for your reader. Restate your ideas when appropriate neck Have a definite topic sentence or introductory paragraph Answer all of the reporter-type questions (who, what, when, where, and why) in the middle section of your document. Have a definite concluding sentence or culmination paragraph. Concise Check for repetitious or unnecessary words that can be deleted. Choose shorter words where appropriate Shorten sentences where appropriate. Convincing Emphasize the benefits of your point of view/position statement. Provide your rationale for make a conclusion. Recognize any objections your readers may have to your position. Allow your passion about your topic to survey through your writing. Compelling Create a document that is a page-turner. Engage your reader by describing critical data as if you were verbally telling him/her a story. Courteous Think of any document as a tool for building good will. In general, create a tone of friendliness and helpfulness. respond to the readers WIIFMs. Creative Allow your personality to come through your wri ting. Draw colorful word pictures for your readers. Challenge yourself to find new ways to talk about old ideas. Correct Proofread for haphazard spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Use transitions to ensure the reader understands the logical sequence of your ideas. Make sure you have a defined beginning, middle, and end.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Filipino Values Essay
Close Kinship a Philippine considers family as an important social structure that they must love and care. Close family ties results to the family still being sacrosanct regardless that the children are old and with families of their own. Respect for Elders the use of po and opo in conversing or addressing older throng is a sign of a Filipinos respect for the elders. Filipinos do not send their elders to nurse homes because they still value the worth and presence of the elders at home. Hospitality the Filipino community are in truth warm and hospitable.They even give PASALUBONG (WELCOME GIFTS) AND PABAON (FAREWELL GIFTS) TO GUESTS. AT TIMES, THEY SACRIFICE THEIR OWN COMFORT TO ACCOMMODATE THEIR GUESTS VERY WELL. affectionate Faith in God their faith in God keeps them united to overcome all the problems and challenges of life. tractableness / Adaptability / Resiliency the Filipinos have the trait to laugh at themselves and THEIR MISFORTUNES OR FAILURES. THIS IS A COPING ME CHANISM TO proportionateness EMOTIONAL STRESS AND TO BOOST THE CAPACITY TO SURVIVE. THEY CAN SMILE IN MIDST OF PROBLEMS AND HARDSHIPS. THEY CAN legato CRACK JOKES DESPITE THE STRESSES OF THEIR DAILY LIVES AND DURING CALAMITIES.THEY ARE STRONG AND CHEERFUL PEOPLE. Ingenuity and Creativity they are ripe inventors. They often improvise and make productive use of available resources. Patience and Self-sacrifice a curious quality of a Filipino is his capacity to endure difficulties and hardships. Maybe related to the long suffering they endured during the umteen colonization in Philippine history. They are patient enough to wait for their turn to be blissful with greener pastures as long as they do what is right and good. Hard work and Industry Filipinos are globally recognized for their excellent performance in any physical and technical tasks.Maybe visible referable to the desire for economic security and advancement for ones self and family. Readiness to Share and answer th ey re always ready to lend a hand, not only in times of take away (CALAMITIES OR DISASTERS) BUT ALSO IN FESTIVE OCCASIONS (FIESTAS, BAPTISMS AND WEDDINGS). THE BAYANIHAN SPIRIT, OR GIVING HELP WITHOUT EXPECTING SOMETHING IN RETURN, OF A FILIPINO IS WIDELY ADMIRED. NEGATIVE VALUES Fairness and Justice they always show consult for the well-being of others. They uphold the humanity of all people and regard everyone with respect and empathy.They are keen on interpersonal relationships, their primary source of security and happiness. Fairness & Justice Equality Social Justice ripening & Progress. Ningas Kugon kugon is a kind of grass that burns easily when dry but extinguished easily as well. Like the cogon grass, Filipinos start things with great enthusiasm but at the first sign of difficulty, the enthusiasm is consumed as fast as it has ignited. Colonial Mentality Filipinos prefer outside(prenominal)-made products instead of patronizing Philippine-made ones. This result to higher gains for foreign businessmen than local businessmen.Thus, it motivates Filipino businessmen to improve the quality of their products to make it more competitive against foreign ones. Mamaya Na or Bukas Na Lang Habit a poor habit, a sign of laziness, of leaving for a later time what can be done at the moment or today. Thus resulting to busty workload to be done and then complain about it. Crab Mentality a troublesome trait evident in a Filipino where when one sees the progress of a comrade, the other becomes fidgety kinda than happy for the achievement. Rather than to praise, he would highlight everything negative about that person in an effort to bring him down or destroy his reputation.They would focus on others own faults rather their own inadequacies. Patigasan most Filipinos find it hard to say Im sorry or pasensya na. Their precious pride always gets the best of them. Kanya kanya a trait which shows self-centeredness and lack of regard for others. at that place are Filipinos who give priority to what they and their families could have, rather than what they can do to share their wealth and serve others better. This trait shows poor signs of patriotism, loyalty to community, and concern for the needs of others.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
An Exploration of the Malay Kompang
AN EXPLORATION OF THE MALAY KOMPANG Name Chan Tsui Sze Dora Matriculation Number U1210644K Seminar Group Time 1330 1530 Seminar Group instructor Cikgu Zubir Assignment Research Paper in Malayanan practice of medicine Date 10 April 2013 Word think 2245 Contents Chapter 1 An Introduction to the Kompang3 1. 1 Features of the Kompang4 1. 2 Features of Kompang harmony4 1. 3 Performance Context6 Chapter 2 Influences on the Malay Kompang 7 2. 1 Arabic Influences7 2. 2 Lusitanian Influences9 2. 3 Tai Influences11 2. 4 African Influences12Chapter 3 Future Changes in the Malay Kompang14 3. 1 Pop and Media Influences14 3. 2 Western Influences15 Chapter 4 Conclusion16 Bibliography 17 Discography/ Videography 19 Chapter 1 An Introduction to the Kompang The Malay Kompang ensemble refers to a Malay cask ensemble that ranges between cardinal performers in a small chamber or coincidence setting, to a large group of 30 gravelmers. As an instrument, the Malay Kompang is so familiar to most Singaporeans, yet it encompasses a rich history spanning much than 700 years that would astound and intrigue some(prenominal).Kompang is brinyly an oral tradition (Abdullah, 2005). Like all early(a) non-notational medicine forms, it is needs highly characterized by change, self-improvisation and yields from other grows. While Kompang melody directly is admittedly not so frequently heard nor performed as before, there have been efforts to assimilate this traditional medicinal drug genre into todays public flori goal. This paper will address the diverse cultural specifys on Malay Kompang from Arabic, Portuguese, Thai and African sources.Through the main medicineal elements of instrumentation, rhythm, form, and performance context, a comprehensive melodyal analysis of the influence of the diametric polishs on Kompang medicament will be made. This paper will also examine how elements of jumpular culture can be infused into the traditional Malay Kompang music genre, an d discuss the general developmental direction that Kompang music is taking. 1. 1 Features of the Kompang The Malay Kompang is explode of the membranoph atomic number 53 family.It is a wooden-framed, circular, one-sided go acrossheld get up with a scratch made up of animal hide and contend using the free hand (Abdullah, 2012). There argon twain main types of tones on the Kompang the lentong beat played by hitting the side of the puzzle with unkindly fingers, and the cerang played by slapping the center of the drum with the palm (Abdullah, 2012). The lentong typically produces a lower-pitched, ro chthonic sound eyepatch the cerang typically produces a higher-pitched slapping effect. One of the unique features of the Kompang is its wet and rumbling timbre due(p) to the strong effects of reverberation.Another special feature of the Kompang is its interlinking technique and the unique melodious texture heard from this effect. 1. 2 Features of Kompang Music Even though most musical theater repertoire of the Kompang is oral in nature and neither notated nor officially defined, there is undeniably a wide range of repertoire in the Kompang genre. There is purely submissive drumming as thoroughly as Kompang used to accompany vocal parts, like zikir. The variety in form the organization of musical elements in time to construct structure (Kamien, 2013) used in Kompang music is very wide.There is the use of Pukulan, which the first section is called Pukulan Mula (introduction beat), the second is called Pukulan Asas (basic beat) and the third is Pukulan Naik (ascending beat), followed by a combination of other sections including Pukulan Turun (descending beat) and Pukulan Naik. Finally the last section is identified as Pukulan Mati (ending beat). (Abdullah, 2005) There is no rule as to how many times each Pukulan has to be played the combination of Pukulan sections is determined by the length as well as the function of the entire performance.Also, the f orm of Kompang pieces is also specialised to the community that is performing the pieces. For example, the Kompang music performed by the Kompang Ezhar community in Malaysia typically begins with a call-and-response recitation of the Selawat, a reading of a holy scripture, and whence continues with the various Pukulan sections. Additionally, there are even more than types of Pukulan free-base in various forms of dance music (Abdullah, 2005). A summary of the distinguishable Pukulan specific to the Kompang Ezhar community is shown in strain 1 below realize 1 A summary of the various types of Pukulan found in the Kompang Ezhar (Abdullah, 2005)In Kompang, rhythm is mainly characterized by the interlocking of diverse parts divided within the Kompang ensemble. Interlocking is basically done with two or more Kompangs playing simultaneously, with one part playing the Basic beat which is normally the downbeats another part playing the Rhythm beat which is usually the off beats and an additional part(s) playing the Leading beat which is usually characterized by triplets or a syncopated rhythm that creates a unique interlocking texture specific to the Malay Kompang musical genre (Hahril, 2010).In addition, instrumentation is a musical element that is relatively fixed in Kompang there is usually a group of Kompangs playing together, and occasionally, accompanying voice. 1. 3 Performance Context In the Singaporean context, the Malay Kompang is usually seen performed at weddings and celebratory ceremonies, or at traditional showcases. As the Kompang is usually performed in large, open spaces, it is important that it produces loud, penetrating and thundering sounds. Kompang performances are also popular at tender functions like cultural festivals, dinner shows and events, as well as for the royalty (Abdullah, 2005).All these factors underscore the importance and essentialness of this unique instrument in the entire Malay community. Chapter 2 Influences on the Ma lay Kompang The Malay Kompang is influenced by many cultures, especially from those cultures that introduced the musical genre into the Malay community in the early 13th century. As Malacca was ruled by diametrical cultural groups throughout its history, the performance of Malay Kompang was also inevitably influenced by these cultures that took over the land at different points in its history. 2. 1 Arabic Influences One main influence on Kompang music is the Arabic culture and its music.In this context, it is of relevance to discuss the main hand drum that is greatly symbolic of Arabic music the goblet drum, a large single-headed drum introduced in 1100 BCE (Sadie, 1980). forecast 2 African goblet drum The goblet drum is played either with the drum held under the imposters arm, or with the player sitting down and placing it sideways on his lap, or with the drum strapped around his neck. Similar to the Malay Kompang, it is played using only the hands. There are three main tones u sed. The doum (bass) tone is produced by hitting the center of the drum head with the palm.The tek (higher-pitched) is produced by hitting the edge of the drum head. The pa is a percussive effect produced by hitting the drumhead and then muting it with the palm to create a closed sound. Figure 3 Doum tone on the Arabic goblet drum Figure 4 Tek tone on the Arabic goblet drum Thus, it can be seen that the playing techniques of the Malay Kompang is somewhat derived from the playing techniques of the Arabic goblet drum such that a higher-pitched sound is heard by tapping the side of the drum and letting the sound ring, and a lower-pitched sound is produced by hitting the middle of the drum using the palm.Although the muting percussive tone is not as established in Kompang performance techniques, this is probably due to the limitations of the Kompang in that it can only be hit with one hand and held with the other, making it hard to consort a muting effect. 2. 2 Portuguese Influences P ortuguese musical elements are also evident in the music of Kompang, particularly in its repertoire. This is not unexpected, as the Portuguese took over Malacca after its successful polish up on the city in July 1511 (Leo, 2013) leading to infiltration of Portuguese elements into the Malay culture and practices then.The main hand drum in the Portuguese tradition is the tabour. It is a double-headed snare drum made of cylindrical wood, played with one hand. The skin heads are tightened with leather straps and rope tension (Harms, 1989). Figure 5 The Portuguese tabor The repertoire of the tabour is mostly military in nature and is used frequently in process band processions. Additionally, the Tabor is commonly played together with the Portuguese pipe. The player commonly plays the pipe with his left over(p) hand and hits the drum with a wooden stick in his right hand.Portuguese pipe music is syndicate in nature and the rhythms played on the Tabor are accompanimental and charact erized by dotted rhythm. As the musical repertoire of the Tabor is not extensive, there is little notation available. Hence a short system of the Tabor parts from a Portuguese Pipe and Tabor ensemble has been attempted Figure 6 Transcription of Pipe and Tabor ensemble recording As seen from Figure 6, each of the three Tabor parts plays different rhythms, but the performance culminates in an interlocking effect such that the three different parts compliment each others beats of emphasis.Hence we can derive two insights regarding the Portuguese influence on the Malay Kompang firstly, the use of the Kompang in Malay processions and weddings could be influenced by the use of the Tabor in Portuguese marching processions. Secondly, the interlocking feature in Kompang music could be taken from Portuguese Tabor ensembles and then developed to the several complex interlocking parts of today, which includes triplets and more complicated swoon parts. 2. 3 Thai Influences Yet another cultural influence on Kompang music is Thai music.The Malays and the siamese have had long, diplomatic contact for over half a decade during the Siamese empire of 1403 1909. This allowed the Malays to set to the Thai culture and music. Two Siamese musical forms that were of great influence to the Malay Kompang were the Wayang Siam and the Makyong (Abdullah, 2012). The Wayang Siam is essentially accompaniment to shadow puppet theatre. The form of Wayang Siam music is mostly free in nature and depends on the theatrics and gambol of the performance. Characters are free to move onstage in more or less than the traditional eight-bar phrases (Baier, 1995).The Makyong musical form was primarily performed by a small ensemble of instruments used to accompany theatrical acts, and include improvised monologues and dialogues (UNESCO, 2005), underscoring the flexibility of the form. Similarly, Kompang ensembles accompany dances, weddings and processions and require a certain amount of flexibility to suit the occasion. in spite of the flexibility in combination and account of repetitions of Pukulan sections played, it is not as free as the form in Wayang Siam. Nevertheless, the flexibility in form can be seen as a main influence of Wayang Siam on Kompang music. . 4 African Influences The way that the drummers in an African djembe ensemble interact musically is also of influence to the Malay Kompang. One main feature of African djembe ensemble playing is polyrhythm, in which each djembe player plays a repetitive cycle of its own accompanying rhythm which is in a different note from the other djembe players. This creates a very unique rhythmic texture as there are different downbeats heard simultaneously with the playing of two different measures. This can be seen in the example below, depiction a polyrhythmic effect Figure 7 Example of polyrhythmIn addition, there is usually also a solo, virtuosic part heard above all the different accompanying parts, which gives even more r hythmic variety to the music. The influence that this has on Kompang is clear in the different parts that are taken on by the different players in the ensemble. However, the interlocking effect in Kompang is not as complex in that it is not as texturally thick as djembe as all the ensemble players are appease playing in the alike(p) measure. Nevertheless, it still shows a very important influence that African drum music had on the Malay Kompang.In the 13th century in the Malay Archipelago, little polyrhythmic or even contrapuntal music could be found. Hence the interlocking feature of Kompang music was drawn from the polyrhythms in African djembe. Chapter 3 Future Changes in the Malay Kompang In the 21st century today when most people including those in the Southeast Asia arena are exposed to popular music due to factors like technological advances and the strong wave of fond media, there is inevitably a strong inclination towards fusing traditional music with pop elements.In ad dition, due to the change magnitude westernization of Asian cultures, many traditional musical forms are gradually evolving into a more Westernized structure. Besides this, the culture where Kompang is performed today also has an effect on how it is performed. For example, Kompang Melayu is a modern style of playing Kompang, specifically found in Singapore (Hahrill, 2010). Based on my research and analysis, there is a strong possibility of two main directions that musical developments in Malay Kompang can take the pop-infused style and the westernized style. 3. Pop and Media Influences Pop music is a main influence on Kompang music today. Since the 21st century, technology has allowed a growing number of people to be connected to the Internet. With todays wireless connectivity and infiltration of social media, the immense lot of technological information sharing inevitably causes people to be influenced by songs that are literally popular those that are accessible to the widest audience (Lamb, 2013). Elements of rock, R&B, country, disco, punk, and hip-hop have been integrated into pop music for the sometime(prenominal) few decades.The rhythmic elements in these styles have the potential to be incorporated into Kompang. In addition, the form of pop music verse and chorus could be another element that could possibly influence Kompang music in the future. 3. 2 Western Influences Due to increasing westernization of Southeast-Asian cultures today as well as the flourish in Western Music education that uses mainly western notation, Kompang music is more frequently notated these days. This is evident from the bother that cross-cultural ensembles face in rehearsing due to differences in notational practices. Ross, 2011) Western orchestras, bands and ensembles have also been introduced to the Malay culture in recent years. There could potentially be new compositions that incorporate the Kompang into the scored music. For example, percussion ensembles with Komp ang as one of the instruments, or even Kompang concertos could be written in the near future as part of efforts to vulgarise traditional instruments. Chapter 4 Conclusion In conclusion, the Malay Kompang, although a considerably specific musical genre, is still influenced by a myriad of elements from other cultures.This is especially so with globalization today, causing homogenization of culture throughout many countries. As discussed above, Kompang music was initially influenced by Arabic, Portuguese, Thai and African musical elements. In recent years, it has started to be influenced by pop and western elements, which are mostly caused by the infiltration of media and technology, and the slacken but definite westernization of Asian cultures. As such, the growth of Kompang music in ways that are characterized by todays era can be witnessed. Bibliography Abdullah, M. H. (2005).An Organological and Ethnomusicological Study of A Malay Frame Drum. Retrieved from https//theses. ncl. ac . uk/dspace/bitstream/10443/869/1/Abdullah05. pdf Abdullah, M. H. (2005). ENCHANTING THE CULTURE AN INTRODUCTION TO THE AUTHENTIC KOMPANG PLAYING. 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Malaysian Shadow Play and Music Continuity of an Oral Tradition.Retrieved from http//www. jstor. org/discover/10. 2307/1124116? uid=3738992&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=21101877205913 Matusky, P. A. (2004). Music of the Percussion Ensembles. Retrieved from http//books. google. com. sg/books? id=x06nBdEkAOMC&pg=PA198&lpg=PA198&dq=kompang+music+scores&source=bl&ots=hjI8kuVMZo&sig=uGiMpUc98bGJcM3GbIV9UH0_gB0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=f_5bUanSH8yUrgeXo4CoAQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=kompang%20music%20scores&f=false Musical Elements Key, Musical Texture,
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