
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

To What Extent Is the Labour Party Still Committed to Its Traditional Principles?

The Labour party was founded on the principles of social democracy, which is a traditionally centre left ideology. It has been Britains major democratic socialist party since the 20th century and since then has been attached on basing its ideologies on advancement for the operative class. Until the 1980s, Labour had kept its principles consistent, only when with the development of Michael Foots loony left movement which was establish largely around the irrational minority issues and racial problems.It was Tony Blair in 1994 that came by with a revised new-labour ideology that helped dominate the election polls save again and stay victorious until 2010. But, did new-labour still resemble old-labour in basis of its principles? This is what i aim to evaluate. Old-Labour has always been seen as the party for working classes. This was present through the development of the welf ar state where economic wealth is redistribute in the forms of tax benefits, job seekers allowance etc. t o help lot unable to work. But, when new-labour was created under Tony Blair in 1994, Labour became more of a catch-all party.This meant that benefits were cut, in order to make middle and upper classes feel less discriminated against. Now, the focalization is on economic well-being and less on the formidable effects of poverty. Clause 4 was created to exhibit Labours affiliation with plenty from a working background. It stated things like To secure for all the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and equitable distribution which shows its strong ties with the working man. In 1997 it was reformed, it changed from a predominantly working class themed ideology to a more catch all. that by the bearing of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone This is a revised passage from the post Tony Blair clause 4. You can tell that it no longer is concentrated on one specific class, it is straightway generalising to everyone and facial expressio n that we are all in it togther. Which is obviously not solely have-to doe with with one group of people. The Labour party belived in the provision of comprehensive benefits to citizens who had no other means of income and/or supporting a familiy. regrettably over the past decade, the economy has taken a turn for the worse and Tony Blair identified this.That is why he came to the decision of reserving benefits more and focusing on ecnomic growth. Old-labour were far more concerned with the prevention of poverty but, new-labour seem to be more concerned with stability of the economy. Some may even assign their more or less capitalist characteristics may align them more with their opponents, the Conservative party. It is now apparent that the Labour party are far less scrutinious towards who they compliments to aid in society and are showing a certain(prenominal) prgamatism towards their ideologies in order to fit in more effectively with todays society.The deuce-ace way which takes old-labour, thatcherism and liberal democrarcy is definately more pro-active than wiping out just under one-half of the voting population with your political views. Ed Millibands take on the third way is even said to be moving slightly right, which proves that Labour no longer prioritise with the working class and they are aligning themselves more fully with all classes and situatuions in the U. K. This is good for democrarcy, not good for the preservation of Labours traditional socialist values.

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